Duties and Responsibilities of Social Affairs Management

Planning, coordinating, and controlling affairs related to social order, the security of Kish residents, investors and tourists, urban transportation, and traffic.

Planning, controlling, and coordinating with the Ministry of Interior, governorate, the provincial and district governorates in holding general elections.

Planning, coordinating, and controlling the affairs related to the formation and holding of councils and establishing relations with political and religious officials in the region.

Planning to improve the economic and social situation of vulnerable groups and implement support programs and empower them.

Planning, coordinating and controlling the application for residence and employment permits for foreign nationals.

Planning, coordinating, and control of health activities and disease prevention in the region.


Kish Free Zone Organization's Deputy for Cultural & Social Affairs is the founder of cultural and artistic affairs on Kish Island, which oversees all cultural and artistic activities on the island of Kish.

Contact Us

Kish Cultural, Artistic and Social Deputy, Bassak Building, Andisheh St. Sanaee Sq., Kish Island

(076) 44455377
(076) 44455380