Grain & Grain Inspection Department

Planning and monitoring the supply and distribution of flour required by the island's bakeries.

 Monitoring the quantitative and qualitative performance of the island's bakeries.

 • Planning for the quantitative and qualitative development of bakeries on the island with regard to the expansion of new settlements and areas.

 Planning and coordination with relevant authorities to industrialize bread production and reduce waste

 Visiting the island's bakeries along with the agents of Health Development Center regarding hygienic principles

 Storing flour

 • Monitoring the performance and quality level of baking bread


Kish Free Zone Organization's Deputy for Cultural & Social Affairs is the founder of cultural and artistic affairs on Kish Island, which oversees all cultural and artistic activities on the island of Kish.

Contact Us

Kish Cultural, Artistic and Social Deputy, Bassak Building, Andisheh St. Sanaee Sq., Kish Island

(076) 44455377
(076) 44455380